Supplemental Material for International Journal on Robotics Research

  Asymptotically Stable Running for a Five-Link, Four-Actuator, Planar Bipedal Robot
   by C. Chevallereau , E.R. Westervelt , and J.W. Grizzle .

AVIs of running motion at 1.5 m/s

10% speed
10% speed
(1.1 Mb)

50% speed
50% speed
(477 kb)

full speed
full speed
(187 kb)

The prototype RABBIT

RABBIT robot

Biped robot RABBIT homepage

Bipedal Running Robots as of late 2003 and early 2004

  1. QRIO (Sony Biped)
  2. Cohen Lab and Iguana Robotics; see also Iguana Robotics (Home);
  3. HRP-2LR (look for link to video in April 2004); see also HRP-2LR;


Last modified: Tuesday May 18, 2004